
the description on the youtube page is explanatory, finally decided to put it here too.  


If Fiona Apple and Trent Reznor had a demon love child (minus a good chunk of the talent) that possessed me for a bit I suppose it would result in something like this. I can’t be held responsible. Synthesized voice intentional, largely unintelligible lyrics intentional. This and all posted music can be heard on my […]


Lotta fuzz… Lotta ‘verb… Dirgey sludgefest that gets unnecessarily abusive at the end… But hey, somebody’s gotta do this stuff. More 90s ideas reconstituted. No video, but highest quality audio: Soundcloud- Groundward The same Youtube video with still image above, hosted at Fandalism: Fandalism- Groundward     All posted music- Soundcloud Channel YouTube Channel Fandallism Channel

Fourth 4TH

Fourth attempt to make this sound right.. at least to me. Abandoned the nostalgia of lifting original tracks from 90s cassette, remade and remixed the vast majority. At least it can be heard now and maybe I can live with it… Original info here. The indulgences of the amateur, nothing ever really need’s to be […]

** This is a remix completed in 2020. After 3 years of living with this piece I still like it enough to make some sonic improvements** The following is the original 2017 post. Some mood settled in, I was playing with the boxes, ya know, and the knobs on the boxes, then a loop went sideways and stayed […]

07/2021- This was created and posted in 2016, the link is now to a 2021 remix, hopefully sounds better 12/2016 original post- I started this a few months back. My friend Tim Orden invited me to collaborate on a conceptual film, dance, music piece called Anthropocene. Some elements of what I had started seemed perfect […]

4TH- remixed

The short story- Some grungy riff rock I wrote in the 90s. Lifted the guitar tracks off an old cassette and re-contextualized the whole thing… The long story- Enough talk No video, but highest quality audio: Soundcloud- 4TH The same Youtube video with still image above, hosted at Fandalism: Fandalism- 4TH     All posted […]

Memory Wind

the short story- another casual video/music excerize that got out of hand, not unlike July Rain. Like it, I did not preconcieve it nor can catagorize the result. I enjoyed making it.   No video, but highest quality audio: Soundcloud- Memory Wind The same Youtube video above, hosted at Fandalism: Fandalism- Memory Wind   The long story- […]

February Afternoon

  The short version- Several minutes of guitar noodling over a simple drum beat, testing a recording plugin. Some slight editing, completed a composition of sorts, finessed drums, added bass and keyboards, and effects. No video, but highest quality audio: Soundcloud- February Afternoon Still Image, adequate audio: Youtube- February Afternoon The same Youtube video, hosted […]

July Rain

The short version- A piece intended as background, relaxation, or environment that evolved over a three year period, all based on rain. If the sound of rain depresses you please take a pass! Nothing about the music, or the imagery, is every dramatic or demanding of attention. This is not what I would present as […]