
Playing live with Marc Barreca and K. Leimer

chapel flyer_finalWell this is certainly a first for me. My old Friend Kerry Leimer has been making ambient music for many years, with his own record label, Place of Lights. We met years ago, doing annual report work together, his firm, Leimer Cross Design, did high level award winning corporate work, for which I was fortunate enough to photograph for, a collaboration that lasted over a decade. Even though ambient music is outside my realm of experience, we had a lot of common musical interest with early progressive music, even working on an album together call Brittle Soft, no longer available.

Kerry and one collaborator Marc Barreca, will be doing an ambient performance is Seattle this November, and have invited me to contribute some guitar noise. Not only have I not played in front of humans in decades, I have never played this king of music in this kind of venue before, and I’m really looking forward to it.

Additionally, I’m very excited that a visual presentation utilizing my landscape photography will be projected as part of the program.

The event November 14th, 8:00PM, at a beautiful venue called The Chapel, in Wallingford, Seattle. Presented by Nonsequitur as part of the Wayward Music Series.



One response to “Playing live with Marc Barreca and K. Leimer”

  1. dean says:

    how does one make sure if they can get in to this performance, are there reservations or tickets? thank you

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