
Another older group of work, still have a lot of catching up to do, as well as adding new work. In 1990 we went to Costa Rica. It was just before it exploded as an eco tourist destination. Winding up into the mountains in a bus on a dirt and mud road, we arrived at […]

This work was photographed in 1995 as a test and practice session for other projects, primarily “Figure Studies”. The technical experiment was to try solarizing Polaroid 665 film, on a black background, with a ring light, to see where the tonal reversals would occur, what artistic potential the look might reveal, and how it could […]

The images shown are a selection from 75 images in the book. There are many I’d love to show but they can all be seen in the pdf of the book, which also thoroughly explains the evolution of the work. Despite the preponderance of B&W amongst my work, I’ve actually done a lot of color […]

These photographs were made during a 2000 vacation, as tourists. Our first time in Europe, they represent the somewhat naive reaction of a person used to surroundings with little cultural history (if lucky a mere few hundred years) to an environment with evidence of the origins of that cultural history back to it’s beginnings. Amazing […]

I’ve been photographing the natural world around me from youth, and in less of a documentary manner than a personal exploration, as evidenced by this moody (in a teenager sort of way) abstract of roots, done in junior high school with my old 127 Tower camera. I spent a lot of time by myself in […]