February Afternoon
The short version-
Several minutes of guitar noodling over a simple drum beat, testing a recording plugin. Some slight editing, completed a composition of sorts, finessed drums, added bass and keyboards, and effects.
No video, but highest quality audio: Soundcloud- February Afternoon
Still Image, adequate audio: Youtube- February Afternoon
The same Youtube video, hosted at Fandalism: Fandalism- February Afternoon
The long version-
I was testing a guitar cabinet simulator plugin, and noodling in a major scale and some chord changes with my fuzz face clone, to a simple drum loop. After all was done I sort of liked it, added some bass, some keyboards, and then tinkered with the composition, ending up with this. So it has no preconceived structure or concept, and is totally inspired by the spontaneous noodling and playing with the sound. The way it starts, chord changes, outro, etc.. is all pretty much as it came out. Deciding there was some value in staying true to it’s serendipitous nature, I changed very little, sparse copy/pasting, some simple looping and layering in one part to avoid a “solo”, and stuck in a refrain of the initial big “chorus”. That’s it. Despite it’s relaxed gate, and occasion niceness it’s actually intended to be quite loud.
One of my favorite musicians, David Torn, regularly makes casual recordings of his testing of equipment, enjoyable spontaneous solo guitar wanderings, on Soundcloud. I really enjoy them and was tempted to do some of the same. Being an electric guitar fanatic helps. I don’t have the courage to put up unedited raw naked guitar noodlings, nor do I think many of us should be foisting our minutia on the world, so this would up becoming a “piece”. For those interested in this stuff, and since it was the impetus for this, the guitar signal chain is- custom strat- MJM London Fuzz- Visual Sound Jekyll & Hyde- Matchless SC30- THD Hotbox- TC Electronics G-Major 2, straight into the Mac. The plugin tested was the Voxengo Boogex, it let me avoid the problems of miking the cab, seems to work well, and it’s FREE! I’ll continue to play with it.
Geek Audio details-
created in Logic Pro X
1 track electric guitar
1 track electric guitar buzz and noise modified into rhythmic element, heard at start and throughout
1 track bass, heavily modified
2 tracks keyboards, one is mellotro
Per previous post, a few things are already up, to see all-
Soundcloud Channel
YouTube Channel
Fandallism Channel
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