
About Beverly’s Garden


The images shown are a selection from 75 images in the book. There are many I’d love to show but they can all be seen in the pdf of the book, which also thoroughly explains the evolution of the work.

Despite the preponderance of B&W amongst my work, I’ve actually done a lot of color as well, this being the first I chose to present as final art, representing my efforts. Obviously this work is very close to me and was very committed to it from beginning to end, even though it initially was only for Beverly.

Technical information- Photographed with a Mamiya RB67, on Kodak Ektar 100 color negative film, often hand held. Negatives were scanned with a Howtek drum scanner. A digital workflow from scan to print, of color negatives, is always problematic. I chose this work to try some experiments, hacking together a truly color managed, profiled, closed loop system that actually worked, though so clumsy and fraught with problems I’d not describe or recommend it. However it was fascinating to see a whacky uncorrected color negative scan suddenly pop into the most realistic color I’ve seen with the mere assignment of these profiles. Then of course further editing was done after converting to a large working space. Prints so far have been done on Hahnemuhle William Turner, once again showing it’s consistent ability to stunningly present color and density and everything we love about a photographic image. Image sizes have been 24.44 x 19.75″, edition of 20.

2 responses to “About Beverly’s Garden”

  1. tyler says:

    regarding doing color and B&W, I’ve lost patience with being told it’s impossible to be a good artist and not concentrate on one or the other.. it makes no sense and doesn’t hold up for a moment. As a friend of mine once said.. “two words- Harry Callahan”.
    Imagine someone telling Picasso he should stop dinking around with all that other stuff and just do sculpture.

  2. tyler says:

    I changed this gallery to reflect what will be in the print portfolio, and available in the kickstarter offering. There are 75 images in the book, and actually many more than that were made. So I have added a second gallery page to show more of my favorite images from the project-

    Unfortunately I can’t put them all in the portfolio, it would be too big. Editing sucks!

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